Styrofoam smooth chiffon cake sandwiched jam

Styrofoam chiffon jam sandwich 1

You need to prepare the following ingredients for jam sandwich:

3 eggs

60g flour

40ml of milk

30ml vegetable oil

25g powdered sugar

Strawberry or orange jam

Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 4
Styrofoam chiffon jam sandwich 5

Beat the egg and filter the whites and yolks separately. Then, use an electric whisk to beat the whites, then add 1/3 of the powdered sugar, beat again quickly.

Styrofoam smooth jam cake sandwich 6

Next, add 1/3 of the powdered sugar and beat. After seeing the mixture begin to turn milky, add the rest of the powdered sugar, beat it until you see a smooth cotton mixture.

Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 7
Styrofoam muffins cake jam jam 8

Add vegetable oil, milk, flour, combine with egg yolk, beat well. Then, you add about 1/3 of the egg white mixture, mix well.

Styrofoam jam jam cake 9
Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 10

Combine the rest of the whites and mix them together. Note that you should mix, not stir the circle, so the mixture will not melt into each other well. At the same time, lined the parchment paper inside the baking tray, pouring the mixture.

Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 11
Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 12

Put the tray in an oven that has been heated at 160 degrees C, bake for 10 minutes. When the cake turns nice yellow, remove it.

Styrofoam muffins jam 13

Use the heart to shape a cake.

Styrofoam muffins jam 14
Sponge soft jam cake sandwich jam 15

Apply a strawberry jam on one side of the cake, then lay a layer of cake on top, apply another layer of jam and your jam sandwich is ready!

Chiffon does not seem too strange to sweet fans, but it is also very familiar to those who love these soft, fluffy cakes. Usually chiffon is made with a concave mold in the middle, but today we modified a bit in the shaping part, making the cake more adorable and attractive with eye-catching hearts.

Sponge soft jam cake sandwich jam 17

The chiffon cake sandwiched with soft and sweet yellow jam, and a little light sweet strawberry jam, making the taste very harmonious and delicious without being fed up.


Styrofoam muffin cake jam jam 18


I wish you success and delicious!

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