Seductive passion fruit pudding

Seductive passion fruit pudding 1

Seductive passion fruit pudding 3

You need to prepare the following ingredients for

passion fruit pudding: – 2 eggs (separate from the yolks and whites)
– 60g butter buttery
– 125g sugar
– 3 tbsp passion fruit juice (can be removed if desired)
– 220ml fresh milk
– 35g flour

Seductive passion fruit passion pudding 4 Seductive passion fruit pudding 5

Mix milk, passion fruit together and stir in flour.

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In a separate bowl, clean the egg whites until the tip is soft.

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Whisk the butter along with sugar until the butter is light, then continue to add each egg yolks to beat.
Pour all the lemon powder into the mixture and mix well. Note folding gently blend you offline!

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Turn on the oven 180 degrees C before 10 minutes. Prepare a tray of warm water to grill the water. Put the dough in the mold and place in a tray of water for 45 minutes.

Passion fruit pudding is a dessert mixed with sweet and sour taste that will make you extremely excited. The gentle smell of passionfruit still in the oven will make it difficult for people to refuse, so this dish will be very suitable for your family’s fun!

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When eating you can use extra powdered sugar to cover the surface of the cake. The finished cake has a balanced sweet and sour taste, inside the cake is still wet and soft, not dry, so easy to eat. Enjoy your meal!

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