To make chocolate chip biscuits you need to prepare the following ingredients:
113g wheat flour pale at room temperature
60g sugar
140g chocolate white chips
40g cacao powder
15ml fresh milk
1 egg
25g cacao powder
5g red
5g vanilla
3g baking soda baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Gently mix until the mixture is homogeneous. |
In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar and then add the eggs and milk. You noted when you hit the butter to the maximum level of the electric mixer but when you add eggs and milk then you reduce the speed down, only beat in average. Pour the dry flour into the buttermilk mixture above, then add the food coloring and mix well. |
Next, mix the white chocolate chips. Then mix thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous, leave the dough to rest for at least 2 hours, or you can make it the night before and refrigerate. |
Prepare the oven at 17 degrees C. You put the dough out in the refrigerator about 5 – 10 minutes in advance or feel that the dough is not hard before molding it. Shape the cake into small balls of equal size and place the cake tray already lined with parchment paper. Bake proof bread for 8 minutes to cook and add 2-3 minutes if crispy. After the cakes are cooked, let them cool in the groove before storing. |
Chocolate chip cookies have eye-catching colors, moderate sweetness, very crispy, aromatic butter. You can also do much to save gradually or turn it into a nice little gift for your loved ones. Weekend sipping some chocolate chip biscuits along with the hot aromatic tea is ideal.
Wish you success with this cookie!