Delicious sip crackers!

Delicious sip crackers! first

You need to prepare the following ingredients to make crackers:

100g flour
15ml vegetable oil
20g malt
45ml water
A little yeast yeast
50g corn flour
3g salt salt
12g fresh chopped coriander

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Add flour, vegetable oil, malt, water and about 3 g of yeast to a large bowl, mix well. Then you cover tightly to incubate until the dough doubled, then take out the dough and then wrap in plastic wrap to rest about 15 minutes.

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Add the remaining ingredients you have prepared into the bowl, knead them well. Then put in the middle of the dough that has been brewed above, wrap it in your hands, and then knead the dough.

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Let the dough rest for another 15 minutes, then roll the dough out, fold the left and right edges inside to create a layer.

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Continue to fold the dough in half lengthwise, then fold in quarters.

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Doing so makes the kernel will be distributed more evenly, then you roll the dough into large pieces, about 2mm thick. Use a ruler to cut the dough along the dough to the shape you want, and use a fork to make a few holes to shape it, mist a small amount of water evenly over the dough and let it rest at room temperature for another 25 minutes.

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Finally, you put the cake in an oven that has been heated at a temperature of 180 degrees C, baked for about 18-20 minutes.

Biscuits cracked with salty salty, sweet, sweet, fragrant from parsley will give you a very different feeling when tasting. Different from the usual way of making biscuits, in this way you roll the dough similar to making a thousand layer cake, so the cake bulges up with many layers, creating a crunchy feeling when eating.

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I wish you success and delicious!

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